For historical reasons our astronomical data is stored in different places. Please see the instructions below on searching for your data in the correct place.
Science Data Archive
All data from science imagers on the 1-meter network and 2-meter data taken since 1 April 2014 (and on the 0.4-meter network from 1 April 2016) can be found in our archive, which is now hosted in the Amazon Cloud. As much of this data is proprietary you will need to log in to be able to access all data which is not public. The new Science Archive has been built in-house and deployed using Amazon Cloud computing and storage.
(Prior to 31 May 2016 the Science Archive was hosted by IPAC and was developed by IPAC based on a software and hardware architecture that were developed for the Keck Observatory Archive (KOA) and the NASA Star and Exoplanet Database (NStED).)
Historical science data
If your data was taken using our 2-meter telescopes prior to 1 April 2014 it can be found in our 2-meter science archive (AWS S3 Bucket with pre-2014 2m data).
Raw and Quicklook Data
Raw data along with the master calibration files used in processing is now also available through the new LCOGT Science Archive. We are also making available "quicklook processed" data through the same interface (previously these data were only available as links through the Observing Portal). The quicklook data is normally available within 10-15 minutes of the frame being taken (although the delay can be longer in the case of slow network links from the observing sites) and makes use of the master calibration frames that were in existence at the start of the night. It is intended for those users who wish rapid access to their data and should not be used a substitute for the fully-processed data produced by the pipeline at the end of the observing night (which will generate and make use of any new calibration frames taken during that night). Please see our data web pages for more information about archiving, access and data pipeline.
More information about the science archive
The archive ingests and verifies batches (one night of data from one camera on the LCOGT Network) of BCD products (the processed images and their metadata, source catalogs, photometric data, and frame bitmaps) from the pipeline upon reception and then, if they pass these checks, ingests them into a relational database management system to allow fast and efficient querying. In addition, ancillary data products such as the processing logs and master calibration frames from each are stored and indexed for future retrieval.
Data from science programs can be read only by authorized users during a proprietary period which defaults to one year; proposal principal investigators may also choose a shorter period, or to waive the proprietary period. Data taken for educational purposes are immediately available to all archive users. The Science Archive can be accessed both via a graphical web-based interface that allows basic searching and filtering, as well as via a programmatic interface.