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Proposal Reviewers

TACs and DPR panels

For the 2025A semester, proposals were reviewed by a Time Allocation Committee whose members have expertise in various fields of Time Domain Astronomy.

For the 2023A through 2024B semesters, every non-Key-Project proposal was subjected to "Distributed Peer Review" (DPR). Rather than having a small panel of experts read and review a large number of proposals, we had each member of a large panel of experts read and review a small number of proposals in her/his area of expertise. We assembled this panel from members of the LCO community. Specifically:

  • PIs of successful LCO proposals in the past 3 years,
  • Representatives from LCO Science Collaboration institutions,
  • Former LCO scientists, postdocs, and graduate students,
  • Current and former LCO committee members (i.e. Time Allocation Committees, Science Advisory Committees).

Scientists who have served on DPR panels and TACs in recent years include:

David Trilling Lowell Observatory Asteroids, NEOs 2025A
Michele Silverstein Naval Research Laboratory Exoplanets 2025A
Adina Feinstein Michigan State U. Exoplanets, Flare stars 2025A
Kate Grier U. Wisconsin Active Galactic Nuclei 2025A
Giacomo Terreran Adler Planetarium Supernovae, Explosive transients 2025A
Jennifer Andrews NOIRLab Supernovae, Explosive transients 2025A
Joe Masiero IPAC/Caltech Asteroids, NEOs 2023B, 2025A
Ann Marie Cody SETI Institute Exoplanets, stellar astronomy 2023B, 2025A
Luisa Rebull IPAC Young stars; Stellar rotation 2023A-2025A
Rob Siverd U. Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy Exoplanets; Active stars; Eclipsing binaries 2023A-2025A
Etienne Bachelet NASA JPL Exoplanets, Microlensing 2023A-2025A
Varoujan Gorjian NASA JPL Active galactic nuclei 2020B, 2025A
Griffin Hosseinzadeh U. Arizona Supernovae, SMBHs 2024A-2024B
Julian van Eyken IPAC Exoplanets 2024A-2024B
Teddy Kareta Lowell Observatory Solar system small bodies 2024A-2024B
Matthew Green Tel Aviv University Stellar astronomy, compact binaries 2024A-2024B
Sjoert van Velzen Leiden Observatory Tidal Disruption Events 2022B-2023A, 2024A-2024B
Yiannis Tsapras U. Heidelberg Exoplanets, Microlensing 2023B-2024B
Jonathan Trump U. Connecticut Active Galactic Nuclei; Supermassive Black Holes 2023A-2024B
Hannu Parviainen Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Exoplanets 2023A-2024B
Felipe Murgas Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Exoplanets 2023A-2024B
Nick Moskovitz Lowell Observatory Solar system 2021A-2024B
Matthew Knight US Naval Academy Asteroids, Comets 2023A-2024B
Matthew Kenworthy Leiden Observatory Exoplanets, Circumstellar Material 2023A-2024B
Akihiko Fukui Astrobiology Center, U. Tokyo Exoplanets, Atmospheres 2023A-2024B
David Ciardi IPAC Exoplanets, Star formation 2023A-2024B
Artem Burdanov MIT Exoplanets 2022A-2024B
Misty Bentz Georgia State Active Galactic Nuclei 2021B-2024B
Iair Arcavi Tel Aviv University TDEs, GW events, Supernovae 2023A-2024B
Eric Gaidos U. Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy Planet formation, Young stars 2023A-2023B, 2024B
Elisabeth Newton Dartmouth College Exoplanets; Dwarf Stars 2021A-2021B, 2024A
Marshall Johnson The Ohio State University Exoplanets 2023A-2024A
John Gizis U. Delaware Stellar variability; brown dwarfs 2021A, 2023A-2024A
Allison Youngblood U. Colorado Exoplanets; Stellar Activity 2022A-2022B, 2023B
Tommaso Treu UCLA AGN; Gravitational Lensing 2021A, 2023B
Tom Matheson NOIR Lab Supernovae, Extragalactic Transients 2014B-2020B, 2023B
Jennifer Marshall Texas A&M U. Near-field cosmology; Galaxy kinematics; Cool stars 2017AB, 2020B, 2023B
Daichi Hiramatsu Harvard Center for Astrophysics Supernovae 2023A-2023B
Sarah Sonnett PSI Asteroids, Comets, Exoplanets 2014B-2017AB, 2020B, 2023A-2023B
Christoffer Fremling Caltech Supernovae 2022A
Joel Hartman Princeton Exoplanets 2021A-2021B
Wolfgang Kerzendorf Michigan State Supernovae 2021B
Federica Bianco U. Delaware Supernovae; Extragalactic transients 2021A
Leslie Hebb Hobart & William Smith Colleges Stellar activity; Exoplanets 2014B-2020B
Michele Bannister U. Canterbury Solar system small bodies 2020A-2020B
Stella Kafka AAVSO Active stars; Cataclysmic variables 2020A-2020B
Stan Metchev U. Western Ontario Brown dwarfs 2020B
Driss Takir NASA JSC Solar system formation; asteroid chemistry 2020B
Karen Leighly U. Oklahoma Active galactic nuclei 2020B
Brad Cenko NASA GSFC Explosive transients: supernovae, GRBs 2020B
Andres Jordan PUC Chile Exoplanets 2020B
Jacqueline Radigan Utah Valley U. Low mass stars; Exoplanets 2019B-2020A
Eva Lilly U. Hawaii Asteroids, Comets 2018A-2019B
Tim Brandt UCSB Exoplanets, Stellar Evolution, Clusters 2018A-2020A
Rick Edelson U. Maryland Active Galactic Nuclei 2014B-2019B
Ian Howarth UCL Stellar Evolution; Diffuse ISM 2014A-2018B
John Ruan McGill U. Active Galactic Nuclei; High-Energy Astrophysics 2018B
Megan Schwamb Gemini Solar System Evolution; Kuiper Belt Objects 2014A-2018A
Michael Eracleous PSU AGN; CVs; GRBs, XRBs 2014A-2018A
Doug Leonard SDSU Supernovae 2014A-2017AB
Adam Burgasser UCSD Low Mass Stars; Brown Dwarfs 2014A-2017AB
Zach Berta-Thompson U. Colorado Extrasolar Planets 2017AB
Jacqueline Keane U. Hawaii Protostellar Envelope Chemistry; Ice and Dust in YSOs 2017AB
Emily Kramer NASA JPL Comets, NEOs 2015B
Stefano Valenti UC, Davis Supernovae, AGN reverberation mapping 2012A-2014A
Avi Shporer MIT Exoplanets, Brown Dwarfs, Binary Stars 2011A-2014A
Aaron Barth UC, Irvine AGN, Supermassive Black Holes 2011A-2014A