Late abstract deadline: April 15, 2015
Late abstract deadline: April 15, 2015
Iair Arcavi | LCOGT |
Scott Barthelmy | NASA-GSFC |
Guillaume Belanger | ESA-ESAC |
Eric Bellm | Caltech |
Federica Bianco | NYU |
Slavko Bogdanov | Columbia University |
Todd Boroson | LCOGT |
Peter Brown | Mitchell Institute / Texas A&M |
Brian Bue | JPL |
Yi Cao | Caltech |
Kenneth Chambers | Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii |
Hsin-Yu Chen | University of Chicago |
Eric Christensen | University of Arizona |
David Ciardi | Caltech/IPAC |
Chris Davis | Liverpool Telescope |
Hadrien Devillepoix | Curtin University |
George Djorgovski | Caltech |
Diana Dragomir | LCOGT |
Francisco Forster | Universidad de Chile |
Ori Fox | UC Berkeley |
Jose Luis Galache | Harvard/Minor Planet Center |
Neil Gehrels | NASA/GSFC |
Vahid Zachary Golkhou | Caltech / IPAC |
Matthew Graham | Caltech |
Melissa Graham | UC Berkeley |
Jochen Greiner | MPE Garching |
George Helou | Caltech |
Simon Hodgkin | Institute for Astronomy, Cambridge University |
Griffin Hosseinzadeh | LCOGT |
Andy Howell | LCOGT |
Steve Howell | NASA |
Maohai Huang | National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Daniela Huppenkothen | Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, New York University |
Dexter Jagula | SkyWatch |
Tim Jenness | LSST |
Patrick Kelly | UC Berkeley |
Doug Klink | The Thacher School |
Emily Kramer | JPL |
Karl Simon Krughoff | University of Washington |
Kyler Kuehn | Australian Astronomical Society |
Stephen Larson | University of Arizona |
Casey Law | UC Berkeley |
Chris Lintott | Oxford University |
Ashish Mahabal | Caltech |
Tom Matheson | NOAO |
Curtis McCully | LCOGT |
Kurt Meyer | The Thacher School |
George Miller | Harvard CfA |
Gautham Narayan | U. Arizona/NOAO |
Natalie Osuna | The Thacher School |
Etienne Pallier | IRAP |
Alex Parker | Southwest Research Institute |
Jerod Parrent | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Bryan Penprase | Yale-NUS College / Pomona College |
Stephen Potter | SAAO |
Andrej Prsa | Villanova University |
Umaa Rebbapragada | JPL |
John Rector | IPAC/Caltech |
Stephen Ridgway | NOAO |
Guy Rixon | Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge |
Evert Rol | GOTO observatory - Monash University, Melbourne |
Abhijit Saha | NOAO |
Eric Saunders | LCOGT |
Rob Seaman | NOAO |
Jeff Scargle | NASA Ames Research Center |
Benjamin Shappee | Hubble Fellow / Carnegie Observatories |
Peter Shawhan | University of Maryland |
Isaac Shivvers | UC Berkeley Astronomy |
Leo Singer | Goddard Space Flight Center |
Rob Siverd | LCOGT |
Alicia Soderberg | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Max Sondland | The Thacher School |
Tim Staley | University of Oxford |
Sumner Starrfield | ASU/Earth and Space Exploration |
Rachel Street | LCOGT |
Jonathan Swift | The Thacher School |
John Swinbank | Princeton |
Paula Szkody | University of Washington |
Brad Tucker | Mt. Stromlo Observatory, ANU / UC Berkeley |
Tony Tyson | UC Davis |
Stefano Valenti | LCOGT |
Tom Vestrand | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Giacomo Vianello | Stanford University |
Chris Vyhnal | The Thacher School |
Richard Wainscoat | University of Hawaii |
Lucianne Walkowicz | Adler Planetarium |
Roy Williams | Caltech - LIGO |
Przemek Wozniak | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Chao Wu | National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
For more information about Hot-Wired conferences please see the conference page for Hotwired III, Santa Fe, November 2013.