Telescopes come in all shapes and sizes, this activity will describe the three different types of telescope in the LCO network and why we need them.
Telescopes come in all shapes and sizes, this activity will describe the three different types of telescope in the LCO network and why we need them.
In this activity students will learn what a robotic telescope is and specifically how observations are made on the Las Cumbres Observatory telescope network.
Have you ever wondered what happens to the different stars in the night sky as they get older? This activity lets you explore the life-cycle of stars.
Learn more about space and astronomy in our astronomy themed scavenger hunt activity.
Play a game of bingo and learn about the many wonders of the cosmos!
In this activity students will learn about a range of cosmic objects, play a game of Messier Bingo and use the Las Cumbres Observatory to observe the night sky.
In this activity, you'll use a space image you've taken with Serol and create a poster to showcase what you've learned.
In this activity you will create stunning colour images of galaxies and add them to the Tuning Fork template to recreate the famous Hubble image.
Investigate how old objects in our Solar System are from the craters on their surface.