For the Heising-Simons-funded Open Access program, LCO accepts regular (i.e., non-key-project) science proposals from the entire astronomical community. Astronomers at all career stages (faculty, post-docs, students) are eligible to apply. For the 2025A-2028B semesters, the Open Access program provides 80 hours on the 2-m telescopes, 425 hours on the 1-m telescopes, and 80 hours on the 0.4-m telescopes per semester.
In addition to the Open Access program, some scientists are eligible to apply for LCO's own share of network time. The number of hours varies, but in recent (2023-2024) semesters, the time available has been 50 hours on the 2-m telescopes, 500 hours on the 1-m telescopes and 1000 hours on the 0.4-m telescopes. These hours are available to astronomers at institutions with which LCO has formal agreements without guarantees of network time. For 2025B, the eligible institutions are the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB)and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) at Caltech. Members of the extended LCO science team are also eligible to apply.
Proposal submission
Proposals must be submitted through LCO's Observatory portal. Users must first register. After registering, users can click on the "Create or edit proposals" link to access the web-based proposal form. (The form is made available after the call for proposals is issued.) Details of the proposal format are given below.
Proposal format
The fields that must be completed in the proposal submission interface to successfully submit a science proposal are the following:
- Title. Limited to 100 characters
- Abstract. Limited to 500 words
- Principal Investigator. If this is not the author, fill in the PI's last name, first name, email address and institution name.
- Co-investigators. Last names, first names, email addresses and institution names of Co-Is.
- Observing Budget. Requested observing time in hours on each instrument for the duration of the semester. Specify time requested for rapid-response and time-critical observations separately.
The remainder of the proposal must be included in a single pdf file. The file should include the following sections but not an author list:
- Science justification. Background information and a statement of the goals of the project. The results of any previous time allocated for this project should be discussed. Pertinent references should be included. Figures may be embedded.
- Experimental design. A description of the strategy of the observing program, including the characteristics of the targets, the measurements to be made from the data, and what additional work will be done to address the science goals. This section must include an explanation of the observing budget, in which the instrument selection, exposure times, and total number of hours requested are justified. Requests for Rapid Response or Time Critical observations must be justified independently. If unusual scheduling constraints might impact the project's success, identify them.
- Related programs on other telescopes. A concise account of other programs which relate to this proposal.
Citations to publications should be numbered in sequential order in the proposal text. Later citations to the same publication should repeat the original number.
Beginning on a new page from the justification and design sections (above), the file should include the following sections:
- List of references in (number) order in which they were cited in the justification and design sections.
- Report on past use of LCO time. A concise account of time used on LCO network in the past 3 years.
- Applicant's related publications. Up to 15 relevant publications from the past 3 years.
The proposal body must conform to the following constraints:
- The font size must be 11 points or larger. (Caption fonts may be smaller.)
- Margins on all edges must be at least 1 inch.
- Line spacing must be no denser than 6 lines per inch.
- The file size must be under 10MB.
- The recommended length is 7 pages.
Available telescopes, instruments, software tools:
For the 2025B semester, Las Cumbres Observatory has two 2-meter telescopes, thirteen 1-meter telescopes and ten 0.4-meter telescopes available for science observations. The 2-m telescopes are equipped with MuSCAT 4-band multi-channel imagers and FLOYDS low-dispersion spectrographs. The 1-m telescopes are equipped with Sinistro imagers. The Network of Robotic Echelle Spectrographs (NRES) has units installed on 1-m telescopes at our Cerro Tololo (Chile), McDonald (Texas), Sutherland (South Africa), and Wise (Israel) sites. The 0.4-m telescopes are Planewave DeltaRho350 telescopes with QHY600 cameras.
For information on all Network instruments, please consult the Observatory Instruments page.
The Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) can help you estimate your observing time budget. The ETC will calculate the exposure time required to achieve a given signal-to-noise ratio for an object of a given magnitude. You refine the calculation by selecting the telescope class (2-m, 1-m, or 0.4-m), filter (U, B, V, etc.), lunar phase, and airmass.
The Target Visibility Calculator shows how observable a given position (RA & Dec) are on the LCOGT network. A target's "seasonal visibility" is the UT range that the target is visible over a range a dates. A target's "daily visibility" is its trajectory of altitudes/airmasses as seen at the network sites on a particular (user-selected) day.
Observation overheads
Every observation has a time overhead associated with it. For every new object acquired, there are associated Slew & Settle times and Acquisition & Setup times. For every exposure, there is an associated readout time. And for every FLOYDS spectrum, there are associated calibration (reference arc and flat) observations. Calibration observations (biases, darks, flats) for the imagers are obtained during twilight, and the time for these is not charged to users.
When calculating the observing budget for your proposal, you should takes these times into account: