Santa Barbara, Nov 2-5, 2015
Instructions for Authors
Sharing and Archiving Contributions
We would like to make copies of all talk slides and posters available online after the meeting. If you would prefer NOT to share your contribution in this way, please email the LOC to say so and your wishes will be respected.
Invited talks will be 25mins long, leaving 5mins for questions.
Contributed talks will be 10mins long, with 5mins for questions.
We will have a Mac laptop dedicated to running the projection of your slides and will be uploading all presentation files to this machine, in advance of your talk. We will not be switching between personal laptops between talks.
To ensure the sessions run smoothly,
please upload your slides at least 3hrs ahead of the session you are due to speak in.
In fact, why not upload them right now? Instructions are below.
- We recommend formatting your slides to a PDF file. However, we will support PPT, ODT and KEY formats.
- Anyone with embedded movies should upload their talk and contact the LOC to verify that the format is supported as soon as possible.
- We prefer that you do not use sound as part of your talk, since we incur significant additional costs from our AV supplier to support this. If sound is indispensibly part of your presentation, please contact the LOC at least 3 days before your talk. We cannot make arrangements on the day.
- Please prefix the name of your uploaded files with your family name.
Talk slides can be uploaded in several ways:
- Via this Dropbox
- Attached to an email to the LOC at hotwired-loc (at) lcogt.net
- ...or from a USB flash drive at the meeting. Please see the LOC in the Meeting Office (San Miguel East room). But we strongly prefer you upload earlier than that.
All posters will be displayed throughout the conference in the Sierra Madre North room adjacent to the main conference room. The maximum dimensions for posters is 36(H)x40(W) inches/91x102cm.
If you wish to print your poster locally, there is a FedEx office in Santa Barbara downtown, who offer an online printing service.
You will be able to display your posters from Monday morning through to Thursday afternoon.