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Archive Gallery

The LCO archive contains millions of images. This gallery is a selection of some of the best.

Minimal processing has been done to the images. We provide the original astronomical FITS files which you can use with one of our tutorials to make your own stunning color pictures.

NGC2329 taken by Ethan Conway
NGC 2329
Coma Cluster
Coma Cluster
Black eye
Black eye
ANtlia cluster
Antlia Cluster
NGC 5128
NGC 2467 taken by Alice Hopkinson
NGC 2467
ARP 87
ARP 87
Engraved Hourglass nebula
Engraved Hourglass …
M31 taken by J Carneiro
NGC247 by Ethan Conway
NGC 247
NGC7293 by Roly Warry
Helix Nebula
IC405 taken by J D Armstrong
IC 405
IC342 taken by J Moskal
IC 342
ARP 151
ARP 151
NGC5005 taken by ashini_modi
NGC 5005
Cat's Eye Nebula
Cat's Eye Nebula
NGC5248 by Roly Warry
NGC 5248
NGC6960 by Roly Warry
Veil Nebula
NGC 4449 taken by Malcolm Beckford
NGC 4449
Dumbbell nebula
Dumbbell nebula
NGC7635 taken by the students of Eltham College, Australia
NGC 7635
Eagle nebula
Eagle nebula
NGC6888 taken by Ronals Chinchilla Vélez
NGC 6888
Cigar Galaxy
Cigar Galaxy
NGC2070 by J Moskal
NGC 2070
NGC300 taken by Ethan Conway
NGC 300
NGC6193 by Roly Warry
NGC 6193
NGC6302 by Roly Warry
Butterfly Nebula
NGC6946 from the archive
NGC 6946
IC 5146 by A Moreno
IC 5146
NGC6543 taken by Roly Warry
Cat's Eye Nebula
NGC7293 taken by Mitchell Mainwaring
NGC 7293
NGC6826 by Roly Warry
The Blinking Planet…