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Time Domain Astronomical Surveys from Antarctica

December 13, 2012

When: December 13, 2012 3:00PM

Lifan Wang

Texas A&M University

The Antarctica plateau is likely the best site for ground based astronomy. There are several major advantages of doing astronomy at Dome A: (1) The atmospheric turbulance boundary layer is only around 14 meters at Dome A, meaning free atmospheric seeing of about 0.3 arcsec can be achieved regularly; (2) The temperature reaches -70 - 80 C during winter time, which makes the site ideal for astronomy in the infrared and terraherts wavelengths; (3) The continuous dark time during Austral winter enables intensive time domain astronomy; (4) The mild weather allows for open air telescope with no dome and optical cameras with no nitrogen cooling. I will show recent progresses in astronomical buildup at Dome A, Antarctica, and discuss the prospects of time domain searches for supernovae, exoplanets, and other transient phenomena in astronomy. The Antarctica Survey Telescopes (AST3) project is pioneering optical astronomy from Antarctica, and recent operations show tremendous potential. I will also give a brief overview of the 2.5 meter Kunlun Dark Universe Survey Telescope (KDUST) which aims at high resolution cosmological surveys of about 0.3 arcsec from Dome A.

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Lifan Wang

My colleagues and I are endeavoring to build an astronomical observatory at Dome A, the highest point in Antarctica. We hope to set up a number of telescopes in the coming years to study the mysterious dark energy in the universe. My research interests include also spectropolarimetry observations of supernovae. The supernovae I study are so far away that even the largest telescopes in the world cannot resolve their shapes through direct imaging. Spectropolarimetry is a technique that enables geometric structures of supernovae to be studied.

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