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What Powers The Brightest Supernovae?

December 9, 2014

When: December 9, 2014 3:30PM

Matt Nicholl

Queen's University Belfast

In the last decade, unbiased transient surveys have discovered a number of supernovae that are 10-100 times brighter than previously known supernova types; these have been classified as "super-luminous" supernovae. The mechanism which powers their extreme luminosities is still unclear. Popular theories include spin-down of a millisecond magnetar, very high radioactive nickel masses from 'pair-instability’ explosions, and collisions between massive shells of dense material. I will review the current state of research into these rare and mysterious transients, report on observations of super-luminous supernovae from Pan-STARRS1 and PESSTO, and show how light curve modelling is slowly revealing the underlying physics.

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