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Las Cumbres Observatory is hosting an Open House on May 2.


Sandy Seale | 11 Apr 2024

Artist’s conception of a white dwarf star accreting helium from disk.  When the helium builds up on the surface, it causes an explosion, which triggers a second detonation in the core of the star, exploding it.


Sandy Seale | 10 Jan 2024

Artist impression of a doughnut-shaped cloud that was formed after two ice giant planets collided. Image credit: Mark-Garlick


Edward Gomez | 11 Oct 2023

Astronomers investigating a star that had unexpectedly faded discover ‘synestia’ – a cloud of molten, vapourised rock shaped like a doughnut- that had dimmed the star’s brightness

Comet 13P/Olbers recovery image(s) from August 24. This is a stack of the two exposures with combined exposure time of 20 minutes. Image Credit: Alan Hale


The NASA DART spacecraft impacted the asteroid Dimorphos on September 26 at 4:14pm PDT. The images from the LCO 1-m telescope in South Africa show the expanding cloud of ejecta, twelve and fifteen minutes after the moment of impact.


Students from Mission Platinum requesting images


Edward Gomez | 11 Aug 2022

We welcome 7 new Global Sky Partners serving audiences in Chile, Canada, Sri Lanka, Middle East, and online.

Galaxy NGC 1309. Image Credit:  NASA, ESA, The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA), and A. Riess (JHU/STScI).


Sandy Seale | 14 Jun 2022

This simulation of a supermassive black hole shows how it distorts the starry background and captures light, producing a black hole silhouettes. Image Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center; background, ESA/Gaia/DPAC.


Sandy Seale | 18 Feb 2022