Santa Barbara, CA, January 20-23rd, 2014
Presentation Instructions
- All sessions, including posters, will be presented in the Riviera Grand Ballroom of the Canary Hotel (lower ground floor).
- Please bring your posters to the early session Monday morning to mount them on the boards provided.
- Talk slides will be uploaded to the laptop used for presentations IN ADVANCE. PDF format is strongly preferred, but PPT, ODP and KEY can be supported also. If you have movies embedded, it is important that you upload in advance and verify that the format is supported.
- Please prefix your filename with the presenter's family name.
- You can upload your talk slides via FTP, Dropbox (via the link emailed to you) or USB flash drive (provided at the conference).
- We would like to make the talk slides publicly available at the end of the meeting. Please email the SOC if you would like to opt out of this.
To upload your talk to the FTP server:
> ftp transfersba.lcogt.net
> [anonymous login, using your email address as a password]
> cd upload/microlensing/
> put [presentation]
Science Agenda
Sunday, 19th January 2014
18:00-20:00 Opening reception, Rooftop bar, Canary Hotel
Monday, 20th January 2014
08:30 Rachel Street Welcome and logistics
New Microlensing Discoveries Chair: Rachel Street
08:35-09:15 Scott Gaudi Microlensing Discoveries in Context [PPTX] Animation [MOV]
09:15-09:35 Takahiro Sumi The Microlensing Event Rate and Optical Depth Toward the Galactic Bulge from MOA-II [PDF] [PPTX]
09:35-09:55 Clément Ranc MOA 2007-BLG-197: a brown dwarf in the desert [PDF]
09:55-10:15 Yossi Shvartzvald Microlensing Planetary and Binary Statistics from 2011-2013 Generation-II OGLE-MOA-Wise
10:15-10:35 Łukasz Wyrzykowski Standard Microlensing Events in the Bulge from the OGLE-III [PDF]
10:45-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-11:35 Jennifer Yee Radial Velocity Observations of OGLE-2009-BLG-020L [PDF]
11:35-11:55 Radoslaw Poleski OGLE-2008-BLG-092 Reveals a Binary Stellar System with a Circumprimary Planet
11:55-12:15 Phil Yock Measurement of the mass of the free-floating planet MOA-2011-BLG-274L [PPT]
12:15-12:35 Yiannis Tsapras Analysis of follow-up data on OGLE-2012-BLG-0406 [PDF]
12:35-12:55 Lydia Philpott Detectability of low mass planets by microlensing [PDF]
13:00-14:30 Lunch
Observing Microlensing Phenomena Chair: Yiannis Tsapras
14:30-14:55 Rachel Street Microlensing at LCOGT [PDF]
14:55-15:15 Atsunori Yonehara Microlensing Observation at Kohyama Astronomical Observatory [PDF]
15:15-15:35 David Bennett The MOA Project 2013 Observing Season [PPTX]
15:35-15:55 Sebastiano Calchi Novati M31 Pixel Lensing PLAN campaign: MACHO Lensing and Self-Lensing Signals [PDF]
16:00-16:40 Coffee Break
16:40-17:05 Arnaud Cassan Microlensing observations with an interferometer [PDF] [KEY]
17:05-17:25 Giuseppe D'Ago A morphological classification of light curves in equal-mass binary microlensing [PDF] [PPTX]
17:45 End of Session
Tuesday, 21st January 2014
09:00 Rachel Street Logistics
Observing Microlensing Phenomena Chair: Łukasz Wyrzykowski
09:00-09:25 Markus Hundertmark (via Skype) The Target Priority Generator of the RoboNet-II microlensing program [PDF]
09:25-09:55 Calen Henderson Predicted Planet Yields for the Korean Microlensing Telescope Network [PDF]
10:20-10:40 Emanuela Giannini Quasar microlensing observations from the Danish telescope [PDF]
10:40-11:00 Coffee Break
Lensing Theory, Modeling & Computing Techniques Chair: Andy Gould
11:00-11:25 Sun-Ju Chung Detection of planets in extremely weak central perturbation microlensing events via next-generation ground-based [PDF]
11:25-11:45 Kamil Danek Mapping the Cusp Number of Triple Gravitational Microlenses [PDF]
11:45-12:05 Michal Pawlak Search for microlensing events with machine learning [PDF]
12:05-12:25 Denis Sullivan The Wellington NZ Microlensing Modelling Programme [PDF]
12:25-14:00 Lunch
Chair: Keith Horne
14:00-14:20 Andrew Gould Microlensing Masses [PDF]
14:20-14:40 David Heyrovsky Limiting Cases of the Triple Gravitational Lens [PDF]
14:40-15:00 Michael Albrow Short timescale microlensing events, red noise, and free- floating planets [PDF] [KEY]
15:00-15:20 Fumio Abe New calculation method of multiple gravitational lensing system [PPTX]
15:40-16:00 Coffee Break
Special Session The Life and Work of Sun Hong Rhie
David Bennett Sun Hong Rhie's Contributions to Exoplanetary Microlensing and a Space-based Microlensing Survey [PPTX]
Phil Yock Remembering the work of Sun Hong Rhie [PDF]
Dmitry Khavinson The fundamental theorem of algebra and a problem in gravitational lensing. S.-H. Rhie's work [PDF]
17:30 End of Session Conference dinner at LCOGT 18:00 Bus departs from Canary Hotel
Wednesday, 22nd January 2014
09:00 Rachel Street Logistics
Space-based Microlensing Programs Chair: Geoff Bryden
09:05-09:30 Geoff Bryden NASA's exoplanet science program [PDF]
09:30-10:00 Richard Barry WFIRST [PPTX]
10:00-10:20 Scott Gaudi Exoplanet Science with AFTA-WFIRST
10:20-10:40 Matthew Penny From the outside in: Probing Habitable Planets with AFTA-WFIRST [PDF]
10:45-11:15 Coffee Break
Chair: David Bennett
11:15-11:35 Joachim Wambsganss Astrometric Microlensing with the Gaia Satellite
11:35-11:55 Patrick Tisserand EUCLID microlensing survey: an ideal tool for a galactic census of low-mass exoplanets
11:55-12:15 Keith Horne K2 and microlensing
12:15 Matthew Penny K2 [PDF]
12:30-14:00 Lunch
Thursday, 23rd January 2014
Poster Presentations
ExoPAG Science Analysis Group 11: Preparing for WFIRST [PDF]
Chair: Jennifer Yee
Discussion of unpublished planets [PPTX]
17:00 End of Meeting
09:00-22:00 Excursion to the Space Shuttle Endeavour
Sergei Ipatov et al. Exoplanet Detection Capability of Microlensing Observations [PDF] [PPT]
Krzysztof Rybicki, Lukasz Wyrzykowski Transiting planets orbiting source stars in microlensing events [PDF]
Richard Barry Exoplanet Gravitational Microlensing Observations with the Deep Impact Flyby Spacecraft [PPT]
Nick Rattenbury Searching for anomalous light curves in massive datassets [PDF]