The workshop will be an interactive introduction to key technologies and observing facilities that will drive time-domain astronomy in the LSST era and a chance for scientists to influence their development. Participants will have exclusive access to a unique proposal opportunity for development mini-grants and telescope time to kick-start their observing programs. The workshop is open to everyone from all areas of astronomy, and the agenda will be designed to interest both newcomers and those with substantial experience with alert-based science.
The goals of the workshop are:
- To give astronomers an interactive introduction to the TOM Toolkit, a software package for building and customizing Target and Observation Manager systems.
- To enable scientists to provide input about the scientific requirements for TOM systems and interfacing services (i.e., alert brokers, telescope facilities, data archives)
- To facilitate communication between scientists, TOM developers, and developers of
interfacing services regarding the needs of scientists - To stimulate the application of the TOM Toolkit for alert-based science by providing ongoing access to key resources through a competitive proposal process
Thank you to everyone who joined us at the workshop and on the live stream!
You can find the presentations and recordings of the live-stream Blue Jeans channel under the Agenda menu.
We are delighted to invite attendees of this workshop to apply for our exclusive proposal opportunity.
The Call for Proposals is now live - please see this page for details.
To receive updates about this workshop program, please subscribe to our mailing list.
Thanks to generous support from the Heising-Simons and Zegar Family Foundations, LSST Corporation and the NOAO, Gemini, SOAR and Carnegie Observatories.
Organizing Committee:
Rachel Street (Chair) LCO Staff Scientist, TOM Project Scientist, Co-chair LSST Transients and Variable Stars Science Collaboration
Jeno Sokoloski LSSTC Director for Science
David Collom LCO software engineer and TOM Project developer
Austin Riba LCO software engineer and TOM Project developer
Sandy Seale LCO Director of Development
Bryan Miller Gemini Lead Scientist for Science Operations Development
Stephen Ridgway NOAO Scientist, NOAO/AEON Project Scientist
César Briceño SOAR Telescope Scientist
Gautham Narayan STScI, ANTARES Broker Scientist & Developer
Meg Schwamb Gemini Assistant Scientist, Co-chair LSST Solar System Science Collaboration
Matthew Graham ZTF Project Scientist
George Helou Executive Director of the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center
Daniel Petrocelli LSSTC Senior Director of Development