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Astronomy on Tap

2024-11-07_AOT Facebook Banner

Astronomy on Tap

Stargazers of Past Skies: Tales of Stars and Stones
Giacomo Terreran (Las Cumbres Observatory)

2024-13-06_AOT Facebook Banner

Astronomy on Tap

Comet Interceptor: ESA’s new mission to a pristine world
Carrie Holt (Las Cumbres Observatory)

LCO Open House May 2024 banner rgb

Open House
May 2, 2024
LCO will be hosting an Open House in our global headquarters in Goleta. Everyone is welcome.

2024-11-04_AOT Facebook Banner

Astronomy on Tap

The Fastest Stars in the Galaxy
Sunny Wong (UCSB)

2024-14-03_AOT Facebook Banner

Astronomy on Tap

Ethanol in the Ether
Nikolaus Volgenau (Las Cumbres Observatory)

Ciardi_Public_Talk_Big Poster

Public Talk
Feb 21, 2024

Dr. David Ciardi (Chief Scientist at the NASA Exoplanet Science Institute)

2024-08-02 Astronomy on Tap

Astronomy on Tap

Why the day is 24 hours long
Norman Murray (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA), University of Toronto)


Jan 6, 2024
Many astronomical programs need to coordinate follow up observations of astronomical targets and events, and to visualize and explore the associated data. This workshop explores the open source tools available to help you run your science program.