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Astronomy on Tap events

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AOT Banner April 2025

Astronomy on Tap

Ripples in Space-Time: Messages from the Universe
Tousif Islam (KITP, UC Santa Barbara)

2025-13-02 AOT Banner

Astronomy on Tap

Turbulence: From Your Coffee Mug to Galaxies
Zirui Chen (UC Santa Barbara)

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Astronomy on Tap

The Black Hole Explorer
Joseph Farah (UCSB, LCO)

11-14-24 AOT Banner

Astronomy on Tap

HERA-cule Poirot - Asteroid Crime Scene Investigator
Tim Lister (LCO)

09-12-24 AOT Facebook Banner

Astronomy on Tap

The search for dark matter under the Black Hills
Chami Amarasinghe (UCSB)

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Astronomy on Tap

Hungry Hungry Black Holes (or Really Clumsy Stars)
Megan Newsome (UCSB, LCO)

2024-11-07_AOT Facebook Banner

Astronomy on Tap

Stargazers of Past Skies: Tales of Stars and Stones
Giacomo Terreran (Las Cumbres Observatory)

2024-13-06_AOT Facebook Banner

Astronomy on Tap

Comet Interceptor: ESA’s new mission to a pristine world
Carrie Holt (Las Cumbres Observatory)

2024-11-04_AOT Facebook Banner

Astronomy on Tap

The Fastest Stars in the Galaxy
Sunny Wong (UCSB)

2024-14-03_AOT Facebook Banner

Astronomy on Tap

Ethanol in the Ether
Nikolaus Volgenau (Las Cumbres Observatory)

2024-08-02 Astronomy on Tap

Astronomy on Tap

Why the day is 24 hours long
Norman Murray (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA), University of Toronto)

2023-12-14_aotsb fb banner

Astronomy on Tap

Gaia: Nearly 10 years of observing the Galaxy in motion.
Katarzyna Kruszyńska (LCO)

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Astronomy on Tap

What is lurking inside infra-red dark clouds?
Sean Carey (NASA Exoplanet Science Institute, Caltech)

2023-10-19_aot fb banner

Astronomy on Tap

A Supernova that Exploded Twice
Estefania Padilla Gonzalez (LCO, UCSB)

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Astronomy on Tap

The Obi-wan Kenobi of Stars
Curtis McCully (Las Cumbres Observatory)

2023-07-06_aot fb banner

Astronomy on Tap

Strange Giants: High Mass Brown Dwarfs and Gliese 229B
Samuel Whitebook (UCSB and Caltech)


Astronomy on Tap

Our Galileo Moment and Our Cosmic Future
Juna Kollmeier (CITA/University of Toronto)

Out-of-this-world vacations with the Exoplanet Travel Bureau
Andrew Ridden-Harper (LCO)


Astronomy on Tap

Pathway to a Post-Global Warming Future — A Brief Overview of Climate Science, Consequences, and Solutions
Jeffrey Bennett

1000 pictures, 10,000 tools: A Brief History of the Tools that have Enabled Astronomy
Prerana Kottapalli (PK) [she/her] (Las Cumbres Observatory)

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Astronomy on Tap

Throwing DART(s) at Asteroids: NASA's First Planetary Defense Mission
Dr. Tim Lister (Las Cumbres Observatory)

Using an Earth-sized Telescope to Make the First Images of Black Holes.
Joseph Farah (LCO & UCSB)


Astronomy on Tap

James Webb Space Telescope: It Ain't Just for Pretty Pictures
Griffin Hosseinzadeh (University of Arizona)

Things That Go Bump in the Night
Jill Rastinejad (CIERA/Northwestern University)


Astronomy on Tap

Your intrepid hosts (LCO/UCSB)

Aot Feb

Astronomy on Tap

How To Draw A Fuzzy Doughnut: A Portrait Of The Largest Black Hole In Our Galaxy
Sean Ressler (UCSB)

Betelgeuse Betelgeuse Betelgeuse: Is it about to explode?
Jared Goldberg & Evan Bauer (UCSB)

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Astronomy on Tap

Dark Matter, Black Holes and Gaia
Łukasz Wyrzykowski (Warsaw University)

Exploding Stars and how to explode them
Jared Goldberg (UCSB)

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Astronomy on Tap

Classical Astronomy: A Stellar Legacy
Joey Chatelain (LCO)

Blunders in Space
Mirek Brandt (LCO)

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Astronomy on Tap

Imaging Exoplanets
Tim Brandt (UCSB)

Building Habitable Worlds
Markus Rabus (LCO)