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Global Sky Partners

The goal of the Global Sky Partners program is to inspire students, teachers and the public around the world to engage in scientific endeavors. Through this opportunity, LCO particularly aims to inspire audiences in under-represented communities and the developing world, who would not normally be able to take part in programs involving professional scientific equipment.

LCO annually provides over 1,000 hours of observing time on our telescope network to educational organizations. The Global Sky Partners are a diverse group of educators and scientists who run their own fully-supported education projects and investigations using our telescopes.

Simons Foundation
Moore Foundation

Global Sky Partners is supported by the Simons Foundation and the Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation

View our 2023-2024 report
Active Partners 38
Student Publications 139

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Current Global Sky Partners

Global Sky Partner

100 hours for 100 schools

100 hours for 100 schools (100/100) is a collaboration between several organizations involved in providing high quality and well supported astronomy education programs.  The 100 schools come from the 1,300 …

Global Sky Partner

150 Teachers, IASC Worldwide Outreach

The International Astronomical Search Collaboration (IASC) requests 225 hours on the LCO 0.4-m telescope network. During a 12-month time period, these hours will be distributed in 90-minute allotments to 150 …

Global Sky Partner

Aninoquisi To'sdigo'ti'a

Aninoquisi To'sdigo'ti'a (We see the stars) will engage middle grade and high school students in the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians in a science project to observe exoplanet transits …

appalachian starsong

Appalachian Starsong Project

Appalachian Starsong Project is a joint project of Western Carolina University and the Fontana Regional Library system to create a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math). Small teams of students …

Global Sky Partner

Astro Kopernikus

Kopernikus Foundation is developing an innovative educational model inspired in Creative Learning and the German pedagogical framework Jenaplan. This model is implemented at Kopernikus School and shared with other public …


Astronomy & Astrophysics Awareness in Nigeria

The Astronomy & Astrophysics Awareness project in Nigeria, seeks to make STEM-based studies more intuitive, by incorporating computer-based simulation to facilitate learning and retention of Astronomy and Astrophysics. We hope …

Global Sky Partner

Astronomy Research Group of Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka currently has no astronomy track at university level. This project aims to start undergraduate students with research projects in astronomy, to training them in astronomical data analysis techniques.

Global Sky Partner

Astwonomi Lakay

This partner aims to establish an astronomy course in State University of Haiti via the National School of Geology and Science Faculty. A special astronomy curriculum will be developed using …


Atlas-Catalog of Open Clusters

This project aims to observe, study and describe open clusters using LCO resources. The results will be openly available for consultation in various media and formats.

Global Sky Partner

Authentic Ground-based Astronomy Research for Teens and Young Adults

This Sonoma State University program brings astronomy research opportunities to teens and young adults from across the nation in virtual out-of-school settings. Participants work with a mentor to conduct research. …


Búsqueda y seguimiento de estrellas variables

This partner is supporting undergraduate astronomy projects in Nicaragua.


Constellations under investigation & Scientists' Apprentice

CSI - Constelações Sob Investigação (Constellations under investigation) is a project where students explore constellations and the night sky. It will be carried out by several classes in Portugal (at …


Cosmic Adventures

Cosmic Adventures is an inreach program of the Orange County Astronomers, providing members with opportunities to do real astronomical research and activities of scientific value. By being an inreach this …

Global Sky Partner

Ekatra: Stellar Skies Microlearning Experience

Stellar Skies Microlearning Experience is an innovative educational project that combines Ekatra's expertise in adaptive AI-driven, or chatbot, microlearning with LCO's mission to inspire students globally to engage in astronomy …

Global Sky Partner

Exoworlds Africa

An African wide project involving schools from the Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western and Central regions of Africa. The project will demonstrate how the transit method of detecting exoplanets works and …

Global Sky Partner

Fascination Astronomy

Supporting the Qatar National Olympiad and Fascination astronomy workshops with 200 schools throughout Qatar.

ligo virgo

Follow-up of Gravitational Wave sources with LCO

With the advent of the latest generation gravitational wave detectors (Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo), dawn is breaking on multi-messenger astronomy. The detection of gravitational wave sources when accompanied by …



A training program for teachers in Paraguay, to astrometric and photometric follow-up of Main Belt Asteroids and NEOs.


Inclusive Astronomy

The inclusive astronomy project that takes place at the El Minuto de Dios Ciudad Verde school (Colombia), implements new technologies (STEAM), methodologies and workshops for students from vulnerable populations or …

Global Sky Partner

Interactive Elementary Astronomy for Students in Uganda

An educational program for introductory concepts in Astronomy, and telescopes, using an online interactive platform. This platform will be accessed by students of all ages and will act as a …


Investigating the Sky

The Canada Aviation and Space Museum is partnering with the Conseil des écoles publiques de l'Est de l'Ontario to give high school students the opportunity to create and carry out …

Global Sky Partner

Kids' Research Exoplanet Watch

This project will involve middle grade students in two schools in North Carolina. With support from their instructor and a science professional, the students will plan observation campaigns to observe …

Middle Cosmos

Middle Cosmos

The Middle East is a pretty disadvantaged area but with a lot of interested and talented youth. This project aims to provide them with an opportunity to get in touch …

Global Sky Partner

Modeling Astronomy

Modeling Instruction is largely regarded as one of the most effective pedagogies known, and making LCO telescopes a part of MI Astronomy will enable gradual and steady growth into eventually …


Observing with Einstein

Participants in this programme have the opportunity to communicate and work with other participating schools around the world. Together, they discuss gravity’s effect in astronomy and discuss creative project ideas. …

Global Sky Partner

One Home, One Sky

This initiative aims to help the children, particularly girls and those with disabilities, and their families to do scientific activities to reduce the stress and insecure caused by the war …


ORBYTS: Refining Exoplanet Ephemerides

ORBYTS (Original Research by Young Twinkle Students) is an educational programme in which secondary school pupils (16-17 y/o) work on scientific research linked to the Twinkle Space Mission under the …


Pan-African School for Emerging Astronomers

PASEA alumni are university students or school teachers from Nigeria, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Benin, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Alumni of the school work …

Paso Robles logo rectangular

Paso Robles High School Astrometry

Paso Robles High School is a public, comprehensive high school serving a population of 2,100 students, with 50% of their students identifying as non-white and the highest English Language Learner …


Scintillating Citizens

The goal of this project will be to put the act of collecting and analyzing photometric data in the hands of the visitors to the Canada Aviation and Space Museum …

Global Sky Partner

Southern Skies Big 5

This program will involve selected schools from Southern, Eastern , Central and Northern regions of Africa. It is part of the build up to the IAU General Assembly in South …


SPACE surat

Scope Education (SPACE Surat) is an educational institution that educates school and college students in the field of astronomy and space sciences. They conduct astronomy workshops and astronomy clubs enriched …

Global Sky Partner

Stellar Horizons: Empowering US Hispanic Youth in Astronomy

An after-school program with an emphasis on citizen astronomy targeting underserved Hispanic Communities in the USA. The partner aims to provide knowledge, tools, and resources to facilitate the effective use …

tactile universe

Tactile Observatory

The Tactile Observatory is a pilot extension of the Tactile Universe (TU) project, which will allow blind and vision impaired students learning about galaxies research through the TU project, to …

Global Sky Partner

Training Novae Hunters

There are few spaces where teachers and researchers can dialogue and exchange knowledge to co-construct appropriate educational proposals for the classroom, which allow addressing the learning objectives proposed by the …

Global Sky Partner

Variable Stars

This is an outreach program for gifted children (9th grad), collecting data on double stars and analysis the data to characterize the stars. Also a group of astronomy leaders learning …


West African International Summer School for Young Astronomers

The West African International Summer School for Young Astronomers (WAISSYA) is an innovative short course in astronomy for West African university students and school teachers who teach STEM. The school …


YATL Astronomy Research Project for High School

The Youth Astronomy Teachers' Link (YATL) is one of China's leading astronomy education NGOs. We provide world-class astronomy and planetary science education resources to Chinese curious young minds. The YATL …